A brief description of each page on this site is given below.
KATO HAVAS – displays a brief biography of The New Approach’s creator.
NEW APPROACH – displays a brief outline of The New Approach and its achievements.
KHANA – lists the KHANA representatives around the world.
SOURCES – lists where books, videos, etc. on the New Approach may be obtained.
CALENDAR – lists coming KHANA courses and seminars around the world.
MESSAGE BOARD – a place for questions and comments about The New Approach.

Stage Fright: Its causes and cures “It is the most realistic and practical approach imaginable … it is a book that should be worth its weight in gold to every student and many a performer.” – Yehudi Menuhin
The Twelve Lesson Course “Havas deserves great credit for recognizing the manifestations of autonomous regulation, exploiting their pedagogical implications, and proving their validity in all age groups and at any level of technical proficiency.” – Dr. F.A. Hellebrandt M.D., “The Strad”
A New Approach to Violin Playing “I was privileged to witness the teaching of a method of violin playing, entirely new to me, which I believe is capable of revolutionizing the technique of playing…writing as a personal witness I must say that I have been amazed at the result of this unusual approach.” – Noel Hale F.R.A.M., “The Strad”
All books are published by:
Bosworth & Co.,
Music Sales Group, 14-15 Berners Street, London
WIT 3LJ, England.
Tel: 0207 612 7400 Fax: 0207 612 7545
Exclusive Distributers for Bosworth and Co.:
Shawnee press Inc., Jay Park Plaza, 9 Dartmouth Drive Bldg 4, Marshalls Creek, PA 18335., USA. Tel: 570 476 0550, Fax: 570 476 5247
Customer Service
Hours 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST
Phone : (800) 345-6842
Fax: (845) 469-7544
They are also distributed in the USA by:
Herb Rudolph : tbrwood@aol.com
Timberwood Industries, PO Box 82, South Salem, New York 10590, USA
Phone: 914-533-2020
Shar Products, Ann Arbor, MI. US.. 1-800-248-SHAR
Or may be ordered from www.barnesandnoble.com.
Kato Havas’s books have so far been translated into German, Swedish, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Czech, Hungarian, Chinese and Japanese.
The Kato Havas Teaching Video is now only available on DVD. It includes detailed exercises on the release of tension and the prevention of anxiety in performance. Kato covers all aspects of right arm and left hand technique, assisted by pupils and former pupils.
“There’s a pleasing immediacy about the film. No quirky camera angles but everything clearly shown that needs to be. It gives the viewer the illusion of being in the same room. An invaluable reminder of her own inimitable brand of teaching.” – The Strad
“I would certainly recommend this well-made video to anyone who wants to be made to think. It should be especially valuable to players who have experienced discomfort in string playing.” – Music Teacher
“A new video is now available. And it is one you will NOT WANT TO MISS. The thought-provoking work of Kato Havas has long been with us and this 1 hour video concisely captures her contributions for the viewer.” – The American String Teacher
This video has recently been dubbed into Czech.
Produced by:
Bill Watkinson Associates,
Cumbria, England.
Published and distributed by:
It is also distributed in the USA by:
Herb Rudolph : tbrwood@aol.com
Timberwood Industries, PO Box 82, South Salem, New York 10590, US
Phone: 914-533-2020
Shar Products, Ann Arbor, MI. US.. 1-800-248-SHAR
Flying Fiddles by Chet Porcino A string method for children based on the New Approach of Kato Havas
Jeanne Porcino-Dolamore, 25 Beth Drive, Kingston, NY 12401, USA
Dancing Bows by Gloria Bakhshayesh New Approach tutor book for beginners with open string patterns and tunes in duet form.
Teacher’s Book
Pupil’s Book
Ringing Strings by Gloria Bakhshayesh. A follow-up to Dancing Bows for the left hand in the format of a structured course of lessons for beginners.
Teacher’s Book
Pupil’s Book 1
Pupil’s Book 2
Dr Downing Music, www.drdowningmusic.com
Dancing Bows and Ringing Strings by Gloria Bakhshayesh are now available in Japanese translated by Japanese KHANA Representative Chisumi Ishikawa.
Price: ¥1,200 each, plus postage, Paypal available
Order from Chisumi at chism@shaku8-ishikawa.com
Ringing Strings is also available translated into French
A Cellist’s Guide to the New Approach by Claude Kenneson
Amadeus Press, 113 SW Second Ave, Suite 450, Portland, Oregon 97204, USA
The Cellist’s Inner Voice by Ian Bewley Based on the principles of the New Approach by Kato Havas
Dr Downing Music, www.drdowningmusic.com
Cassette tapes of the Kato Havas String Workshops 20th Anniversary Concert in Angwin, CA are available from:
K&D Studios, 213 Longview Court, Antioch, CA 940509.
Violin Playing – Poetry or Pain by Juhani Heikkila Based upon the New Approach exercises.
Video – Book published in Finland by Musikkipedagoginen.
Note that Kato Havas teaching workshops are available on You Tube. They may be viewed by clicking on the link below.
Further information will be posted on this site about when teaching sources become available in other languages.